Wednesday, February 25, 2015

laPassacaglia: some of the tools I use

If you follow me on Instagram @kamiemurdock, you know I have this little addiction called the "la Passacaglia," an english paper-pieced quilt project from Willyne Hammerstein's book Millefiori Quilts, published by Quiltmania. Occasionally, I get a question or two about some of the supplies I use.

-I purchased my paper stock templates from They are precision cut, and oh, so accurate.
-Glue-basting is my preferred method of preparing my shapes, so I use a water-soluble glue pen (Sewline).
-My thread of choice is "Bottom Line," a 2-ply polyester by They even have a ring available with an assortment of colors to aid the matching process. Light grey is also good at blending with multiple colors.

This is the start of my first rosette, or cog. Some of my seams were cut a little too narrow (1/4"). I would recommend giving yourself more to work with, up to 3/8".

Sooooo, I don't have a preferred needle to recommend at this time. (Several have been harmed in construction thus far).  I have snapped multiple brands, sizes, etc. and I know its related to my technique.

FYI timeline: I've been chugging along with this project off & on for about five months, starting and completing other quilts and machine sewing in the meantime. Taking an occasional break to work on something else has often helped me refocus with this! As you can see, quality control is pretty fierce around here...



  1. I totally understand what you're saying - this quilt can become all encompassing, so I've taken a break for the whole month of February. I think I will look at it differently when I pick it up again next week. So many more people have joined the band wagon during that time and I enjoy seeing how they have combined their fabrics too. Sometimes I even have those same fabrics and hadn't thought to fussy cut them in that way.

    I love the brightness of yours, and also the way that the occasional plain ring stands out so well. I glue baste too and I think I'm using the same thread too, but just grey for everything. Maybe I should get a darker colour too, but it's really expensive here.

    Not long to go until yours will be finished - well done and thank for sharing your tips.

  2. So helpful - a kind (?) IG friend gave me some pre cut shapes for this quilt so I'm about to begin mine. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You will really enjoy seeing your project progress with each rosette! How sweet of your friend to help get you started!

  3. Thank you for the tips. I'm excited to learn more as I follow your blog. Tell your little apprentice she is loved so much in Idaho.

  4. Will do! Hopefully I'll get the hang of this blogging thing. I'm a newbie :)

  5. THANK YOU for answering my questions about the Millefl quilt. I'm a retard and don't know how to personally reply on IG. My "main" email is Which package(s) of paper pieces do I need ?? Thank you Kamie. My name is Tay short for Taylor.

    1. Hi Tay, offers a complete pack with everything you need to piece this quilt. They also have a "starter pack" available for it as well. If you like to reuse your papers, you could get by with the starter pack. Because I glue-baste, I bought the complete pack, as it tends to ruin the paper shapes.

  6. Kamie, I give you lots of credit attempting the Millifiori paper piecing. It takes a lot of color skill and precision to get the desired look when dealing with a huge array of fabric choices. Did you choose a single designer's line of fabric or did you pull from a variety?


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